Pitch Deck


We transformed complex investment language into engaging dialogue; Vontobel hit the Future Present jackpot.

The Problem

Investments are all about growth, dividends and smart strategies and Vontobel wanted their presentation to reflect this. The idea was to imbue their slides with professionalism and intelligence but they struggled to translate this onto the deck. While Vontobel are experts when it comes to investments, they weren’t so confident when it came to PowerPoint. This is where we stepped in to streamline and bring some passion to the scene and make sure their presentation game was on par with their phenomenal investment abilities.

Our Solution

We brought our top players in to work these decks and boy, did they come through. Our experts brought a human touch to the decks, with real faces and real emotions sparking new ideas and discussions. We herded the audience, clarified copy, cut jargon and infused the entire experience with a deep sense of savviness and anticipation, ensuring that even the most stoic investor would stand up and cheer.

The Outcome

Vontobel’s decks have transformed into slides simply bursting with excitement from investment potential. Clients are leaving meetings inspired, empowered and eager to jump into the world of investment. With a Future Present presentation under their belt, Vontobel can now confidently present to their audiences, secure in the knowledge their decks are working hard to secure them new clients.

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